Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Douchebags A-plenty

So my readers have been clamoring for a report on my 10 year reunion. Okay, that's a lie. I meant "reader." And by "clamoring" I mean I got one email.

I did in fact attend the reunion. Though to be honest, it really wasn't much of a reunion. It was in the basement of a bar in the city. It was dark, crowded and if an attendee didn't want to mingle (as one of my friends did not) there was ample hiding space provided.

I think in my two hours or so down there, I spoke to maybe 10 people. I say maybe 10, because I don't necessarily remember all the details as clearly as I would have hoped, and in fact just a few days remembered that I'd spoken to one person that I had previously forgotten about entirely.

Was it a waste of time? Not really. I actually enjoyed talking to some people.
Was it what I expected? No, it was a little better, but mostly because it was loud.
Was I immediately recognized? By most people yes, but two people looked me right in the eye with a blank look. Of course they could have immediately recognized me and remembered that they didn't like me at all. Very possible, actually.
Am I glad I went? I guess, I mean drinks were free.

I was very disappointed in myself because there was one person there to whom I actually had soemething interesting to say. Her locker was next to mine for six years and yet we never really spoke. She then spent a year in London living with a girl that I knew from summer camp and even took to prom. However, for some reason, and I believe mostly my drunkeness, I said nothing to her. This bothers me.

Half the fucking guys there had button-down shirts on underneath sweaters. The quintessential winter douchebag look. (For informational purposes, the summer douchebag look is the polo shirt with upturned collar, plaid shorts and some type of sockless loafer. Not required: Sunglasses indoors.) I see people like this all the time and I just truly wonder what guys are thinking when they pop up the collar on their polo shirts. I mean seriously. Are they worried the back of their neck will burn? Does the wind chafe their skin? Do they realize that this simple fashion choice makes everybody who sees the immediately hate them? It's the social equivalent of wearing a swastika on the front of your shirt. The only difference is that some sick fucks will actually like the swastika. I really should ask one of these guys next time I see one. But I probably won't.


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