Monday, September 22, 2008

Only the Opposite

Recently, my wife and I have been doing a lot of hiking in Runyon Canyon. Though the size of my quad muscles would indicate otherwise, we've been hiking quite a bit.

One of our favorite things about hiking there, is that with people constantly walking past us, we get to hear snippets of conversations. All kinds of conversations. We only hear about 5 seconds, and then the person speaking has gone by.

Yesterday, we heard the best conversation snippet by far. A group consisting of 3 guys and 1 girl passed us going up as we were making our way down the mountain. We overheard one of the guys say the following:

"That's like me with bananas. Only the opposite."

Now, I found this funny for 2 reasons. First, it's obviously nothing like him and bananas. In fact, it coudn't be less like him and bananas. So why did he say it? This guy's a complete idiot. Who talks like that?

Imagine if talking like this was common:
"I just pooped in the outhouse."
"That's like me and the sink. Only the opposite."

WHAT does that mean? Where did he just shit? Or did he even shit at all?

The most logical scenario we could come up with was this:
"I'm allergic to apples."
"Oh, that's like me and bananas. Only the opposite."

But what does that mean? That's saying he isn't allergic to bananas. And if that's the case, why would he say that. Imagine a conversation like this:
"I'm allergic to apples."
"I'm not allergic to bananas."
If you were having a conversation like this, you'd walk the fuck out of there and pray that asshole got hit by a car.

Second, what the fuck is he talking about? Fucking bananas?

Now my wife and I just spent about ten minutes trying to use this 'formula,' if you will, to humorous effect. It's like the quadratic formula in math. Except instead of numbers, we plug in offensive words and phrases.
"I love hanging out with Asian people."
"That's like me and Jews. Only the opposite."

See what you can come up with. Assuming you're reading this blog, which you most likely aren't.

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